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Quick Start server

1. Configure the Server

To use MWV, you need to include the following plugins in your code:

#include <Pawn.RakNet>
#include <json>
#include <gvar>
#include <SMWV>


You must set mwv_packet_id to the same value you set in jni

#define mwv_packet_id 253

2. Registering Events

You must register the events you want to use on your server. This should be done in the OnGameModeInit() function:

public OnGameModeInit()
    // Register events
    MwvRegisterEvent("alert_response", "OnAlertResponse");
    MwvRegisterEvent("show_phone", "OnPhoneResponse");
    return 1;

3. Initializing the Browser for the Player

In the OnPlayerConnect event, you should initialize the browser for the player. Here's an example:

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    // Initialize the browser with the desired URL
    MwvInitBrowser(playerid, "");
    MwvSetBrowserFocus(playerid, false);

    return 1;

4. Sending Events to the Browser

To send events to the browser, use the MwvSendEvent function. Here's an example of how to send an event when a player uses a command:

if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/mwv")){
    new Node:event_data_node = JSON_Object(
        "id", JSON_Int(ALERT_SET_SKIN),
        "title", JSON_String("Set Skin"),
        "body", JSON_String("Enter the skin ID")

    // Send the event to the browser
    MwvSendEvent(playerid, "create_dialog", event_data);
    return 1;

5. Receiving Events from the Browser

To receive events, you need to create a forward function with the same name as the registered callback. Below is an example of how to handle the response from an alert:

forward OnAlertResponse(playerid, event_data[]);
public OnAlertResponse(playerid, event_data[])
    MwvSetBrowserFocus(playerid, false);

    new Node:event_data_node;
    JSON_Parse(event_data, event_data_node);

    new id, skin_id;
    new bool:result;

    JSON_GetInt(event_data_node, "id", id);
    JSON_GetInt(event_data_node, "skin_id", skin_id);
    JSON_GetBool(event_data_node, "result", result);

    switch (id)
        case ALERT_SET_SKIN:
            if (!result)
                return 1;

            SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skin_id);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "[MWV] Skin set: %d", skin_id);

    return 1;